Geared primarily toward nonprofit executive directors / CEOs and board leaders, the Nonprofit Support Program's free workshops and webinars are designed to deepen your learning and development in key areas of nonprofit management, leadership and governance. NSP's workshops are free and available to nonprofits that serve the Hartford Foundation’s 29-town region.

In partnership with NSP, Hartford Public Library offers basic nonprofit management workshops at no cost. Any nonprofit may register to attend here.

2024 NSP Nonprofit Virtual Workshops

Invitations will be sent to nonprofit executive directors/CEOs prior to each workshop. Email  to request workshop registration information, add or update your contact information, or suggest a workshop topic or presenter.

April 25, 2024 – How to Gather & Use Stakeholder Interviews and Other Qualitative Information Gathering to Inform Your Programs and Decision-Making - part 1 

April 25, 2024 -  1:00 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom

For Executive Directors/CEOs & Staff (We encourage you to attend as a team!)

Presenter: Elena Ragusa, Drive Evaluation Studio, Inc.

Presentation Slides, Recording
Homework (Word document download)


May 14, 2024 – What Every Board Member Should Know About Financial Management …and Probably Doesn’t 

May 14, 8:30-10:00 a.m. via Zoom
For Board Members, Executive Directors/CEOs, Finance Staff (We encourage you to attend as a team!)

Presenter: Andy Robinson, Andy Robinson Consulting

Presentation Slides, Recording

Financial Management Board Quiz
Income Diversification Form
Financial Dashboard
Board Job Description


Board members often wonder, “What do all these numbers mean – and what am I supposed to do with them?” This workshop is designed to help board members get over their financial phobia - with clarity and humor.   This session will cover:

  • Understanding financial statements
  • Five things you should know about your nonprofit’s finances, without looking at a spreadsheet
  • Creating a one-page financial dashboard to simplify board oversight
  • Managing financial risks
May 21, 2024 – How to Gather & Use Stakeholder Interviews and Other Qualitative Information Gathering to Inform Your Programs and Decision-Making - part 2 

May 21, 2024 -  1:00 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom

For Executive Directors/CEOs & Staff (We encourage you to attend as a team!)

Presenter: Elena Ragusa, Drive Evaluation Studio, Inc.

Presentation Slides, Recording

Coding Qualitative Data - Activity 1
Qualitative Analysis - Activity 2

June 20, 2024 – How your Board and Staff Can Create Accountability and Transparency and Avoid Legal and Ethical Pitfalls 

June 20, 12:30-2:00 p.m. - via Zoom
For Board Members, Executive Directors and Staff (We encourage you to attend as a team!)
Priya Morganstern, Director, CT Program, Pro Bono Partnership

This workshop will discuss practical strategies to create transparency and promote accountability in your organizations’ operations.  Topics will include: State and federal nonprofit disclosure and reporting obligations; organizational policies, such as conflict of interest and whistleblower policies; and the important role of the board.

Presentation Slides, Recording
Articles, Standards, Code of Ethics
CT Nonprofit Compensation & Benefits Report (Another report will be issued in 2024)
The Way we Talk about Charity is Dead Wrong - Dan Pallotta, TED Talk




Previous Workshop Recordings and Materials by Topic

Nonprofit Fundamentals (in partnership with Hartford Public Library) 

Hartford Public Library - Basic Nonprofit Management Workshops

Financial Management Fundamentals for Nonprofits - May 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides

Board Governance / Setting Your Board Up for Success - May 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides
Handout - Nonprofit Life Cycle

Helping Your Nonprofit Thrive: Succession Planning and Executive Transitions - April 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides
Handout - Onboarding a New ED - Toolkit


Part 1: How do we know we are ready to hire staff?
February 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides

Part 2: We've decided to hire our first staff person! What are the initial legal and compliance issues we need to know? - March 2024 - Session RecordingPP Slides

Tech Fundamentals for Small Nonprofits - December 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides

Board Member Bootcamp - November 2023
Session RecordingPP Slides

Grantwriting 101 - October 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides

Creating a Business Model - September 2023 - Session Recording,PP Slides
Handout: Nonprofit Business Model Canvas

Fundraising Fundamentals - May 2023 - RecordingPP Slide Handout
Resource 1 - Development Calendar Template
Resource 2 - Tech Impact Consumer Guide to Fundraising Software 2020

Filing, Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for Nonprofits - April 2023, Session RecordingPP Slides
Resource Handout 

Nonprofit Fundamentals (2-part workshop) - March 2023
PP Slides-Part 1 & Part 2Part 1 RecordingPart 2 Recording
Myths About Nonprofits
Intro to Mission Statements
Nonprofit Business Model Canvas
Ten Basic Roles and Responsibilities
Board Member Job Description
Outcome Measures

Review of Important Wage Payment and Employment Issues for Connecticut Nonprofits - June 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides Handout

Helping Your Nonprofit Thrive: Succession Planning and Executive Transitions - November 2021Session RecordingSession PowerPoint Slides

Strategic Visioning: Create The Future You Want For Your Organization - November 2021 - Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides
Handout 1 - Editable Triage: Assessment Tool
Handout 2 - Nonprofit Business Model: Interactive Tool



Board Development  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) 

Getting Started on Your DEI Journey: A Primer for Nonprofits - November 2020 - Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides


Are We There Yet? A Guide to Developing a Theory of Change to Help Evaluate Your Programs - October 2021 - Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Where Are We Going? Using “Evaluative Thinking” to Inform Your Programming - September 2021 - Session Recording, PowerPoint Slides 

Financial Management 

 Financial Scenario Planning in a Changing Environment - July 2020 - Webinar Recording, PP Slides

Hartford Public Library - Fundamental Nonprofit Management Workshops

Financial Management Fundamentals for Nonprofits - May 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides

Fund Development/Fundraising/Grants 

How & Why to Ask Donors to Leave Your Nonprofit in their Will - Without Fear or Anxiety - June 2023 -  RecordingPowerPoint Slide Handout

Building a Culture of Philanthropy to Transform Fundraising Success in Your Organization - October 2022 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Converting In-Person Events to Successful Virtual Experiences - October 2020 - Webinar RecordingPP Slides
Handout  - Virtual Event Reminders and Resources

How to Fundraise in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond - May 2020 - Webinar Recording

Hartford Public Library - Basic Nonprofit Management Workshops

Grantwriting 101 - October 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides

Fundraising Fundamentals - May 2023 - RecordingPP Slide Handout
Resource 1 - Development Calendar Template
Resource 2 - Tech Impact Consumer Guide to Fundraising Software 2020

Human Resources 

The Role of Staff-Care in Effective Leadership (for EDs / CEOs) - January 2022, Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Engaging Your Team Through Turbulent Times - March 2022 - PowerPoint Slides

Effective Strategies for Nonprofit Employee Recruitment - May 2022 -RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Nonprofit Staff Retention Strategies in a New Environment - May 2022 -RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Returning to the Office: Legal Issues Relating to Vaccinations, Masks and Social Distancing - August 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Legal Issues with Managing a Remote Workforce - May 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Human Resources Legal Considerations for Nonprofits During COVID-19 - December 2020 - PowerPoint Slides

Tools and Tips for Making the Most of Working From Home - June 2020 - Webinar Recording



The Role of Staff-Care in Effective Leadership (for EDs / CEOs) - January 2022, Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Engaging Your Team Through Turbulent Times - March 2022 - PowerPoint Slides

Navigating Change and Building Resilience Through Self-Care - December 2021 - PowerPoint Slides 
Handout - Self-Care


Legal Issues 

Returning to the Office: Legal Issues Relating to Vaccinations, Masks and Social Distancing - August 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Legal Issues with Managing a Remote Workforce - May 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Hartford Public Library - Basic Nonprofit Management Workshops

Successfully Transitionsing from a Volunteer Only to a Staffed Organization - Two-Part Series

Part 1: How do we know we are ready to hire staff?
February 2024 - Session Recording, PP Slides

Part 2: We've decided to hire our first staff person! What are the initial legal and compliance issues we need to know? - March 2024 - Session RecordingPP Slides

Filing, Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for Nonprofits - April 2023, Session RecordingPP Slides
Resources Handout 

Review of Important Wage Payment and Employment Issues for Connecticut Nonprofits - June 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides Handout

Marketing & Communications 

Telling Our Stories - How Nonprofits Can Craft Compelling Narratives - September 2023 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Building Genuine Connections: How to Craft a Compelling Brand Story - February 2023 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Creating a Meaningful Nonprofit Brand in a Post-Pandemic World - September 2022 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

How to Develop and Lead Successful Virtual Sessions - March 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides
Handout 1 - Report: Unmuted

The Webinar on Webinars - June 2020 - Webinar Recording

Converting In-Person Events to Successful Virtual Experiences - October 2020 - Webinar RecordingPP Slides
Handout  - Virtual Event Reminders and Resources

Organizational Planning 

Comprehensive Planning for Successful Facilities Projects - March 2023 -RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Getting the Most From Your Consultant Engagements - February 2022 -Session RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Strategic-Scenario Planning - Planning During the Pandemic: Using Scenario Planning to Make Decisions During Uncertain Times - May 2021 - Webinar RecordingPower Point Slides

Amplifying Impact: Strategic Alliances in Uncertain Times - October 2020 - Webinar RecordingPowerpoint Slides
Handout 1 - Early Warning Core Assessment
Handout 2 - What If Art
Handout 3 - Sample Relational Mapping Effort
Handout 4 - Questions for Board Members to Explore

Succession Planning/Leader Transitions  Technology 

Nonprofits and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Benefits, Uses and Cautionary Tales - November 2023 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Revisiting Technology for Remote and Hybrid Workplaces Three Years Into the Pandemic - April 2023 RecordingPowerPoint Slides
Good comparison of file sharing platforms that's free from Tech Inpact:
Comparing Nonprofit Cloud Storage Solutions
TechImpact on Phone Systems: How to Identify and Assess Your Nonprofit Communication Needs

Cybersecurity For IT Managers: How to Make Your Organization Safe - December 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides

Cybersecurity For Nonprofit Staff: How to Become a Human Firewall - December 2021 - RecordingPowerPoint Slides

How to Develop and Lead Successful Virtual Sessions - March 2021 - Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides
Handout 1 - Report: Unmuted

The Webinar on Webinars - June 2020 - Webinar Recording

Hartford Public Library - Basic Nonprofit Management Workshops

Tech Fundamentals for Small Nonprofits - December 2023 - Session RecordingPP Slides



“It was, in fact, the single most useful learning experience I’ve had in 30 years of nonprofit work. I’ll be spending the next year or two implementing everything I got out of this event.”

Consultant Workshops

NSP also convenes consultants who work with nonprofits in the Hartford region. We provide a forum for them to exchange ideas, experiences and expertise with each other, and we deliver workshops that impart useful skills and tools to improve their practices.

Email to join our mailing list!

Want to start learning right now?

Check out the “I need help with” section of our website for resources on numerous aspects of nonprofit management and leadership.